What is Rick Simpson Oil? (RSO)

What is Rick Simpson Oil? (RSO)

What is Rick Simpson Oil? RSO?

RSO is a full spectrum extract of the cannabis plant.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a concentrated full spectrum extract of the cannabis plant with a thick, tar-like appearance. Its dense consistency and typically dark brown or black color give it a strong and potent appearance, which indeed reflects its potency.

The production of RSO involves a distinctive extraction method that preserves a significant amount of the plant material, including the trichomes containing valuable cannabinoids. Depending on your preference, RSO can be consumed through smoking, topical application, or oral ingestion. It’s crucial to exercise caution when using RSO due to its high THC and cannabinoid content. Starting with a very small dose, no larger than half a grain of rice, is advisable to ensure a safe and controlled experience.

This natural medication can be used with great success, to treat or control cancer, MS, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depression, sleeping problems and many other medical issues.

Who is Rick Simpson?

Rick Simpson is a Canadian cannabis activist and a proponent of medical cannabis use. He gained notoriety for popularizing a concentrated cannabis oil product known as “Rick Simpson Oil” or “RSO.” Rick Simpson claims to have developed this oil as a potential treatment for various medical conditions, including cancer.

His journey with RSO began when he sought alternative treatments after an injury resulted in post-concussion syndrome and tinnitus. According to his accounts, he found relief from these symptoms through the use of cannabis oil. Rick Simpson then began advocating for the use of RSO and shared his experiences with others, often through online videos and documentaries.

While Rick Simpson has garnered a following among some proponents of medical cannabis, it’s important to note that his claims and methods have not been widely supported by the medical and scientific communities. The use of RSO and its efficacy in treating medical conditions remains a topic of debate and ongoing research.

RSO Oil vs. Cannabis Oil: Understanding the Distinctions

When comparing RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) and cannabis oil, it’s important to recognize the key differences that set them apart.

  • Extraction Process:
    • Cannabis Oil: Cannabis oil is typically produced by blending cannabinoids, and sometimes terpenes, with a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil. This process involves mixing the active compounds from the cannabis plant with the chosen carrier oil to create a product suitable for consumption.
    • RSO (Rick Simpson Oil): RSO, on the other hand, is generated through an extraction process that separates cannabinoids from the cannabis plant material itself. This method results in a concentrated oil with a distinct extraction process, making RSO more akin to hash than traditional cannabis oil.
  • Potency:
    • RSO is generally recognized as more potent than standard cannabis oil due to its concentrated nature. However, regardless of whether you’re using RSO or cannabis oil, it’s imperative to start with a cautious and low dose.

While both RSO and cannabis oil offer potential therapeutic benefits, the key contrast lies in their production methods and potency levels. Understanding these differences can help individuals make informed choices when considering these cannabis-derived products for their specific needs. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any cannabis-based product into your wellness routine to ensure safe and effective usage.

How to Use Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) offers versatile consumption options, catering to various preferences and needs. Whether you choose to ingest it orally, apply it topically, or even smoke it, here’s a detailed look at the three most common ways to acquire and utilize RSO:

  • RSO Syringe:
    • RSO syringes represent a convenient and precise method for both oral and topical consumption of RSO. These syringes come equipped with clear dosing instructions, ensuring accurate dispensing of the RSO oil. Whether you’re new to RSO or a seasoned user, syringes provide a user-friendly approach.
  • RSO Edibles:
    • For those who prefer incorporating RSO into their diet, consider using it to enhance the flavor and therapeutic benefits of your food and beverages. To create RSO-infused edibles, add the oil to your dishes after they’ve been prepared, bearing in mind that RSO possesses a robust flavor profile. It’s important to avoid exposing RSO to temperatures exceeding 300ºF during the cooking process, as this could compromise the integrity of the cannabinoids.
  • RSO Capsules:
    • If you’re intrigued by the potential benefits of RSO but wish to avoid its distinctive flavor or texture, RSO capsules offer an appealing solution. These capsules encapsulate all the desirable components of RSO, including cannabinoids, in a convenient and easy-to-swallow form. RSO capsules provide a discreet and straightforward means of RSO consumption.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) provides users with a range of consumption options to suit their preferences. Whether you opt for RSO syringes, incorporate it into edibles, or choose RSO capsules, it’s crucial to adhere to recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. RSO can offer potential therapeutic benefits, and selecting the right consumption method ensures a safe and effective experience.

Proper RSO Dosage

Dosing Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) requires a gradual and structured approach, ensuring that cannabinoids can offer their potential benefits effectively over an extended period. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to dose RSO for optimal results:

  • Initiation Phase (Month 1):
    • Start Slow: Begin with an initial dose of RSO no larger than a half-grain-of-rice-sized amount.
    • Frequency: Administer this dose every eight hours throughout the first month.
  • Transition Phase (Month 2):
    • Week 1: In the second month, slightly increase your RSO dosage to a grain-sized amount, maintaining the eight-hour frequency.
    • Week 2: Progress to two grains of rice-sized doses.
    • Week 3: Further elevate the dose to four grains of rice.
    • Continuation: Continue dosing RSO, gradually increasing, until you reach a full gram every eight hours by the end of the 90-day period.
  • Maintenance Phase (After 90 Days):
    • Reduction: Following the 90-day regimen, reduce the RSO dosage to just a gram or two per month.
  • Personalized Adjustment:
    • Tailoring Dosage: It’s vital to remember that RSO is exceptionally potent. If your goal is to maintain productivity while benefiting from RSO, consider lowering the doses even further.
    • Individualized Approach: In the realm of cannabis-related choices, always prioritize what feels most suitable for your unique needs and comfort.

RSO offers substantial potency, making a structured dosing plan essential for a safe and effective experience. As with any cannabis-related decisions, it’s crucial to prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the process and always seek advise of your healthcare professional.


Prior to using any cannabis product, it is strongly recommended that consumers seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional. Cannabis can have various effects on individual health, and a healthcare provider can provide personalized advice, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are currently taking medications. Their expertise can help you make informed decisions regarding the use, dosage, and potential interactions associated with cannabis consumption, ensuring your safety and well-being.

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